March General Meeting - March 6, 4 pm Delaware Room |
March General Meeting - March 6 |
Brian Abley, Digital Assets Division of Fidelity presented "Understanding Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies" |
Bronson L. Mack from SNWA |
Bob Miller presented information about reverse mortgages. |
Impact of e-gambling, sports betting, and e-sports events on Las Vegas by Alan Feldman |
Mid-Year Review by Keith Fitz-Gerald |
Joel Moskowitz, Senior Fraud & what to look out for |
Tom Welch, Henderson Planning Dept. - Update on development in West Henderson |
Scott Taylor, CPA, Update on Income Tax and Estate Tax Changes |
Update on US Economic Outlook, Adam Thurgood; Rayna Penelova, Hightower |
Las Vegas Tourism Outlook, Bo Jason Bernhard, UNLV |
Stocktoberfest, Dinner Party |
Changes and Updates in Medicare, Joyce Barr |
Cyber Security, Roberta Seanor and Jessica Trevino, US Secret Service |
Options Trading, Larry Spodick |
Home Care and Other Long Term Alternatives, David Stoddard |
Mining Companies, Tyre Gray, Nevada Mining Association |
Real Estate Outlook, Chris Wofgram, Windmere Real Estate |
Gaming Industry in Nevada, Howard Stutz |
US Economic Outlook, Bill Robinson, UNLV |
Changes in Medicare 2021, Joyce Barr, Sun City Health Care |
Michael Schaus, Nevada Policy Research Institute |
March 2020 AFC meeting - Barbara Pope, American First National Bank |
February 2020 AFC meeting - Jeffrey Boyce, Wills & Trusts |