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SCA Financial Club ELECTIONS and updates

Hi everyone; as you know 2025 is rapidly approaching and thus SCA clubs need to hold elections for 2025 leadership. For 2024 you elected nine members. Five of which were elected for new two years terms ending 12/31/2025. Of the remaining four, one has to leave the Leadership group as he has maxed out his 6 year commitment and the other three are running for another two year term. 

There is no maximum to the number of people who can be on the "leadership team" at any single moment so if YOU are interested in serving on the board please reach out directly to me before the October 10th general meeting, so we can discuss what all would be expected of you. We already have one person who wishes to join your club leadership group. 

Immediately after the October 10th meeting we will announce the candidate slate and election procedures, with elections finalized at the November 7th general meeting. The November meeting will ALSO be our annual party meeting, where food and refreshments will be provided.

I hope to hear from many of you as we are always looking for new ideas and input.

Please note the October general meeting will be on the second Thursday in October not the first.. October 10th @ 7:00pm. 

You can contact me by responding to this email, or directly at If you us the latter please be clear in the heading why you are emailing as I get a lot of junk emails and tend to delete without looking too close at why it was sent. 

Scott Citron SCA Financial club 2024 President