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Bryan Perry----Cash Machine

Bryan Perry

Mr Bryan Perry gave the Financial Club a very interesting presentation on creating a portfolio that will generate double digit returns in a low yield enviroment.

1) Cash Machine - A High Yield Fortress Against Higher Inflation Like a train coming down the track, inflation will inevitably arrive in widespread
fashion as the global economy turns higher. Investors can fight the spiraling higher prices of food, fuel, utilities, medical costs, tuition, insurance, etc. by owning a portfolio of high yield assets that are beneficially sensitive to
inflationary pressures. Bryan will outline how to build a strategic high income
portfolio custom tailored for the current investment landscape. Put the
headwinds of inflation behind you and learn how to stay ahead of rising
household expenses.

2) Crafting A Double-Digit Yield In A Single-Digit Income Market
The investment world is awash with low yields in conventional stocks and
bonds, making all but impossible for investors to finance their 'golden years'
without outliving the principle with which to live off of. See how income
investors can craft a portfolio of widely diversified non-correlating assets that
throw off a 10%+ current yield that is outperforming the S&P 500 and just
about every other asset class in 2011.